Our Food Manager Exam Prep Training course is designed to help prepare you to pass the Food Safety Manager Exam and to obtain your Food Safety Manager Certification.
We will cover all the major topics related to safe food service, and all other information you will need to pass this critical certification exam.
This online Food Manager Prep training course is based on the Food Code provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This course does NOT currently meet the state requirements in Illinois or Ohio.
Our online Food Manager Prep course is an interactive course with full audio narration and engaging real-world scenarios for the best user experience and information retention.
Our course is 5 hours in length, but is self-paced training so you can take the course at your own pace. Your course will be available to complete for 90 days from purchase. Once you create an account you can log in from any computer* and train anytime, anywhere.
We also provide printable study material for additional food manager exam prep.
The is a Mobile Friendly course and should work on your PC and Mobile devices, like iPhones or iPads.
Our course covers all major topics that will be covered on the Food Manager Safety Exam.
Our prep course consists of 11 units of study and a practice exam. Below is a detailed course outline of topics covered in the course.
Topics in this Lesson:
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50 multiple-choice practice questions
We are pleased to offer a combo package for $106 that includes the online Food Manager Prep Course and a voucher code for the NRFSP Food Manager Safety Exam at any Pearson Vue testing center to take your official Food Safety Manager Certification Exam.
This course/voucher package does NOT currently meet the state requirements in Illinois or Ohio.
The combo package price of $106 includes both the Prep Food Course and a voucher code for 1 NRFSP Certification Exam.
To locate a testing center near you, call 888-687-1571 or visit Pearson Vue.com and follow these steps:
For any questions regarding the Pearson Vue testing centers or scheduling an exam, you must contact Pearson Vue directly. If you have questions regarding your exam score or exam certificate, you will need to contact NRFSP.